The Scioto County Dept. of Job & Family Services announces a special Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) Program offering additional assistance to those TANF eligible participants who maintained employment during the pandemic.
In response to the Pandemic Outbreak of COVID-19, SCDJFS will make assistance available to families affected by this health crisis. The purpose of this assistance is to offset costs incurred by families during the State of Emergency, who were employed at least 24 hours per week, for 9 consecutive months, during the time frame of March 2020 through May 2021. A one-time payment of $1,500.00 per TANF eligible adult, will be available for qualified applicants beginning Monday, August 16, through September 30, 2021. This is called the PRC HEROES Program.
Funding is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. This program will end Sept. 30 or once 675 individuals have been approved, whichever comes first.
ALL of the following eligibility requirements must be met in order to qualify for this program.
The affected household must be a Scioto County resident and US Citizens.
This program can only serve persons in a TANF-eligible family, with a minor child in the home (18 years of age or younger).
The household income cannot exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
The applicant must provide the last 30 days proof of income for the entire household.
Applicant must complete and submit: (1) the special application for the PRC Heroes Program, along with (2) the Employer Verification Form, and (3) verification of the household’s current monthly income.
The applicant must provide proof from the employer that the applicant was employed at least 24 hours per week, for 9 consecutive months, from March 2020 through May 2021. (Must have been employed; self-employment will not be considered to meet this requirement.)
The applicant must NOT have drawn unemployment benefits or been laid off at any time unless it was prior to the 9 consecutive months.
The child’s parent or caretaker cannot be under a current Work Activity Sanction.
Where to get the PRC Heroes Program applications:
1) Website
You can print the application from the website at
2) Pickup at JFS
Applications may be picked up at Job & Family Services, (710 Court Street, Portsmouth, OH) and may be returned using the DROP BOX outside the agency. You do NOT need to enter the JFS lobby to pick-up or return your application. Applications are available between the double doors (the vestibule), before entering the JFS lobby.
3) Mail
To have an application mailed to you, call 740-353-2218, select Option 4. Please do not call to inquire about the status of your application. Applicants will receive a letter in the mail explaining approval or denial within 10 business days from the date the application is received.
Return completed applications to the SCDJFS Drop Box located on the outside of the agency -place completed app and verifications in an envelope when depositing into the drop box. Or, mail to SCDJFS – PRC Heroes Program, P.O. Box 1347, Portsmouth, OH 45662. You do NOT need to enter the JFS lobby to pick-up or return your application.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the increasing numbers of covid cases, JFS lobby hours are limited to 9:30am – 11:30am and 12:30pm-2:30pm daily. The PRC Heroes Program begins Monday, August 16, 2021.